STAMP's strategic location and development provide signficant advantages for advanced manufacturing projects.
STAMP is located in New York’s Low-Cost Hydropower Zone, a 30-mile zone from Niagara Falls providing significant annual savings to large-scale users. Rates for 100% renewable and reliable hydropower at very compeitive pricing.
STAMP is located along redundant, dual bi-directional 345 KV electric transmission system, with an independent 115 KV distribution line on site and an on-campus 345 kV-to-115 kV substation under construction with the capacity to deliver 500+ megawatts of lost-cost power on additional 115 KV feeders based on project specifications.
STAMP is located along abundant utility corridors, including National Fuel Gas’ Empire Pipeline, a 24” natural gas transmission line.
Redundant, high-capacity water lines are under construction and pull from the Great Lakes watershed, home to 7% of the world’s fresh water. 1 MGD capacity is currently available and solutions for up to 12 MGD are available.
STAMP is located on 1,250 acres of land zoned, permitted, and developed for technology manufacturing, including semiconductor manufacturing, renewable energy manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing industries in the town of Alabama and Genesee County.
STAMP is located at two major state highways – New York State Routes 63 and 77 – that provide direct access to Interstate 90 (5 miles).
STAMP is located in Foreign Trade Zone #284 enabling businesses to secure beneficial returns on raw and finished products. STAMP is less than 30 miles to the U.S.-Canadian border.
New York State has a 0% Corporate Income Tax, and 0% property taxes on personal property, inventory, and manufacturing equipment. See all project financing programs.
STAMP is located within 1 day’s drive to 40% of the U.S. and Canadian population.